The biggest challenge while creating Geno Descent was that the app store was crowded with a ton of similar apps. Under these demanding circumstances, it was an absolute requirement to figure out the gaps in the market, existing competitors and the target audience. With an increased risk of genetically inherited diseases, my target audience was anyone who wished to keep a track of their lineage. After carefully going through current applications and website in the market, I realized that most of them were just used for DNA testing. There was not a lot of information on confidentiality as well which is of importance when such personal details are shared with a company.
Currently, in the market, there are no applications that let you connect to your extended family on one platform where you can find and populate information about your lineage. Most of the existing companies just focused on a DNA testing. I wanted users to have more than one option and also keeping it as one of their cost-effective options.
My focus was to create a simple, clean and user-friendly design that assured users that the information provided would be confidential.